>▼通りすがりの者 さん:
コード間違いでしょうか? ご指南おねがいします。
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() '入力完了ボタン
Application.EnableEvents = False
Dim myFile As String
Dim fNo As Integer
Dim lRow As Integer, i As Integer
Dim ws As Worksheet, Rpos As Long
Set ws = Worksheets("顧客データ")
ws.Visible = True
Rpos = ws.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
With ws
If Rpos = 3 Then
.Cells(Rpos, 1).Value = 1
.Cells(Rpos, 1).Value = .Cells(Rpos - 1, 1).Value + 1
End If
.Cells(Rpos, 2).Value = TextBox1.Text '会社名
.Cells(Rpos, 3).Value = TextBox2.Text '本部名コード
.Cells(Rpos, 4).Value = TextBox3.Text '支部名コード
.Cells(Rpos, 5).Value = TextBox5.Text '実施日(年度)
.Cells(Rpos, 6).Value = TextBox6.Text '月
.Cells(Rpos, 7).Value = TextBox7.Text '日
End With
'本部コード(001〜999)− 支部コード(01〜99)- 年度 - 月 −日.csvをインプットし、保存します。
myFile = "C:\Documents" & TextBox2.Text & "-" & TextBox3.Text & "-" & TextBox5.Text _
& "-" & TextBox6 & "-" & TextBox7 & ".csv"
lRow = Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows
fNo = FreeFile
Open myFile For Output As #fNo
For i = 1 To lRow
Write #fNo, Cells(i, 1), Cells(i, 2), Cells(i, 3) _
; Cells(i, 4), Cells(i, 5), Cells(i, 6) _
; Cells(i, 7), Cells(i, 8), Cells(i, 9), Cells(i, 10) _
; Cells(i, 11), Cells(i, 12), Cells(i, 13), Cells(i, 14), sells(i, 15) _
; Cells(i, 16), Cells(i, 17), Cells(i, 18), Cells(i, 19), sells(i, 20) _
; Cells(i, 21), Cells(i, 22), Cells(i, 23), Cells(i, 24), sells(i, 25) _
; Cells(i, 26), Cells(i, 27), Cells(i, 28), Cells(i, 29), sells(i, 30) _
; Cells(i, 31), Cells(i, 32), Cells(i, 33), Cells(i, 34), sells(i, 35) _
; Cells(i, 36), Cells(i, 37), Cells(i, 38), Cells(i, 39), sells(i, 40) _
; Cells(i, 41), Cells(i, 42), Cells(i, 43), Cells(i, 44), sells(i, 45) _
; Cells(i, 46), Cells(i, 47), Cells(i, 48), Cells(i, 49), sells(i, 50) _
; Cells(i, 51), Cells(i, 52), Cells(i, 53), Cells(i, 54), sells(i, 55) _
; Cells(i, 56), Cells(i, 57), Cells(i, 58), Cells(i, 59), sells(i, 60) _
; Cells(i, 61), Cells(i, 62), Cells(i, 63), Cells(i, 64), sells(i, 65) _
; Cells(i, 66),
Close #fNo
End Sub
Dim obj As Control
For Each obj In Me.Controls
If TypeName(obj) = "TextBox" Then
obj.Text = ""
End If
Me.OptionButton1.Value = True
RowCopy Rpos
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub