Set wksRead = ActiveSheet
lngReadRow = 1
lngReadCol = 1
lngReadCalEnd = 15
Option Explicit
Public Sub WriteCsvSequ()
Dim vntFileName As Variant
Dim wksRead As Worksheet
Dim lngReadRow As Long
Dim lngReadCol As Long
Dim lngReadCalEnd As Long
If Not GetWriteFile(vntFileName, ThisWorkbook.Path) Then
Exit Sub
End If
Set wksRead = ActiveSheet
lngReadRow = 1
lngReadCol = 1
lngReadCalEnd = 15
CsvWrite vntFileName, vbLf, wksRead, _
lngReadRow, lngReadCol, lngReadCalEnd
Set wksRead = Nothing
MsgBox "処理が終了しました", vbOKOnly, "終了"
End Sub
Private Sub CsvWrite(ByVal strFileName As String, _
strRetCode As String, _
ByVal wksRead As Worksheet, _
lngRowTop As Long, _
lngColTop As Long, _
lngColEnd As Long)
Dim dfn As Integer
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim lngRowEnd As Long
Dim strBuf As String
Dim vntField As Variant
With wksRead
lngRowEnd = .Cells(65536, lngColTop).End(xlUp).Row
End With
dfn = FreeFile
Open strFileName For Output As dfn
With wksRead.Cells(lngRowTop, lngColTop)
For i = 0 To lngRowEnd - lngRowTop
vntField = Range(.Offset(i), _
.Offset(i, lngColEnd - 1)).Value
strBuf = ComposeLine(vntField, ",") & strRetCode
Print #dfn, strBuf;
Next i
End With
Close #dfn
End Sub
Private Function ComposeLine(vntField As Variant, _
Optional strDelim As String = ",") As String
' 出力レコードの作成
Dim i As Long
Dim strResult As String
Dim lngFieldEnd As Long
lngFieldEnd = UBound(vntField, 2)
For i = 1 To lngFieldEnd
strResult = strResult & PrepareCsvField(vntField(1, i))
If i < lngFieldEnd Then
strResult = strResult & strDelim
End If
Next i
ComposeLine = strResult
End Function
Private Function PrepareCsvField(ByVal _
strValue As String) As String
' フィールドのダブルクォーツ付加
Dim i As Long
Dim blnQuot As Boolean
Dim lngPos As Long
Const strQuot As String = """"
If Left(strValue, 1) = "'" Then
strValue = Mid(strValue, 2)
End If
i = 1
lngPos = InStr(i, strValue, strQuot, vbBinaryCompare)
Do Until lngPos = 0
strValue = Left(strValue, lngPos) _
& Mid(strValue, lngPos + 1)
i = lngPos + 2
lngPos = InStr(i, strValue, strQuot, vbBinaryCompare)
For i = 1 To 5
lngPos = InStr(1, strValue, Choose(i, ",", strQuot, _
vbCr, vbLf, vbTab), vbBinaryCompare)
If lngPos <> 0 Then
blnQuot = True
Exit For
End If
Next i
If blnQuot Then
strValue = strQuot & strValue & strQuot
End If
PrepareCsvField = strValue
End Function
Private Function GetWriteFile(vntFileName As Variant, _
Optional strFilePath As String) As Boolean
Dim i As Long
Dim strFilter As String
Dim strInitialFile As String
For i = 1 To 2
strFilter _
= strFilter & Choose(i, "CSV File (*.csv),*.csv,", _
"Text File (*.txt),*.txt")
Next i
strInitialFile = vntFileName
If strFilePath <> "" Then
ChDrive Left(strFilePath, 1)
ChDir strFilePath
End If
vntFileName _
= Application.GetSaveAsFilename(vntFileName, strFilter, 1)
If vntFileName = False Then
Exit Function
End If
GetWriteFile = True
End Function