拡張子は、「Function GetDataFile」の
「Const strExtend As String = ".txt"」で指定して下さい
また、Function GetNameもInstrの逆関数が有るので、
Option Explicit
Public Sub MakeDataSheet()
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim k As Long
Dim dfn As Integer
Dim strFileName() As String
Dim strBuff As String
Dim vntResult(0 To 8) As Variant
Dim vntData As Variant
Dim vntItems As Variant
Dim lngWriteRow As Long
If Not GetDataFile(strFileName()) Then
Exit Sub
End If
For i = 0 To 8
vntResult(i) = Choose(i + 1, "ファイル名", "右P1(X)", "右P1(Y)", _
"右P2(X)", "右P2(Y)", "左P1(X)", _
"左P1(Y)", "左P2(X)", "左P2(Y)")
Next i
vntItems = Array("右P1", "右P2", "左P1", "左P2")
lngWriteRow = 1
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
.Cells(lngWriteRow, 1).Resize(, 9).Value = vntResult
lngWriteRow = lngWriteRow + 1
For i = 0 To UBound(strFileName, 1)
dfn = FreeFile
Open strFileName(i) For Input As dfn
vntResult(0) = GetName(strFileName(i))
Do Until EOF(dfn)
Line Input #dfn, strBuff
For j = 0 To 3
'先頭に"右P1", "右P2", "左P1", "左P2"が有る場合
If InStr(1, strBuff, vntItems(j), _
vbBinaryCompare) = 1 Then
vntData = Split97(strBuff, ",")
' vntData = Split(strBuff, ",")
For k = 1 To 2
vntResult(j * 2 + k) = Trim(vntData(k))
Next k
If j = 3 Then
.Cells(lngWriteRow, _
1).Resize(, 9).Value = vntResult
lngWriteRow = lngWriteRow + 1
End If
End If
Next j
Close #dfn
Next i
End With
End Sub
Private Function GetDataFile(strData() As String) As Boolean
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim strFilePath As String
Dim strFileName As String
Dim lngTop As Long
Dim lngEnd As Long
Dim lngStep As Long
Dim strProm As String
Dim lngScope(1) As Long
Const strExtend As String = ".txt"
strFilePath = "C:\Windows\デスクトップ\Test"
strFilePath = InputBox("データの有るパスを指定して下さい", _
, strFilePath)
If strFilePath = "" Then
Exit Function
End If
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = strFilePath
.FileName = "????????_???" & strExtend
If .Execute(SortBy:=msoSortByFileName, _
SortOrder:=msoSortOrderAscending) = 0 Then
MsgBox "検索条件を満たすファイルはありません。"
Exit Function
End If
For i = 0 To 1
If i = 0 Then
lngTop = 1
lngEnd = .FoundFiles.Count
lngStep = 1
strProm = "開始ファイル"
lngTop = .FoundFiles.Count
lngEnd = 1
lngStep = -1
strProm = "終了ファイル"
End If
strFileName = GetName(.FoundFiles(lngTop))
strFileName = InputBox(strProm & "を指定して下さい" _
& vbCrLf & "パス、拡張子を抜かして", _
, strFileName)
If strFileName = "" Then
Exit Function
End If
strFileName = strFilePath & "\" & strFileName & strExtend
For j = lngTop To lngEnd Step lngStep
If StrComp(strFileName, .FoundFiles(j), _
vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
lngScope(i) = j
Exit For
End If
Next j
If lngScope(i) = 0 Then
MsgBox "該当するファイルが有りません"
End If
Loop Until lngScope(i) > 0
Next i
If lngScope(0) > lngScope(1) Then
i = lngScope(0)
lngScope(0) = lngScope(1)
lngScope(1) = i
End If
ReDim strData(0 To lngScope(1) - lngScope(0))
For i = lngScope(0) To lngScope(1)
strData(i - lngScope(0)) = .FoundFiles(i)
Next i
End With
GetDataFile = True
End Function
Private Function GetName(ByVal strValue As String) As String
' ファイル名からパス、拡張子の除去
Dim i As Long
Dim lngPos As Long
lngPos = InStr(1, strValue, "\", vbBinaryCompare)
Do Until lngPos = 0
i = lngPos + 1
lngPos = InStr(i, strValue, "\", vbBinaryCompare)
strValue = Mid(strValue, i)
lngPos = InStr(1, strValue, ".", vbBinaryCompare)
GetName = Left(strValue, lngPos - 1)
End Function
Private Function Split97(ByVal vntLine As Variant, _
Optional ByVal strDeli As String = ",") As Variant
' Excel2000以上の場合必要なし
Dim i As Long
Dim vntData As Variant
Dim lngPos As Long
Dim intDelLen As Integer
intDelLen = Len(strDeli)
i = 0
ReDim vntData(i)
lngPos = InStr(1, vntLine, strDeli, vbBinaryCompare)
Do Until lngPos = 0
vntData(i) = Left(vntLine, lngPos - 1)
vntLine = Mid(vntLine, lngPos + intDelLen)
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve vntData(i)
lngPos = InStr(1, vntLine, strDeli, vbBinaryCompare)
vntData(i) = vntLine
Split97 = vntData
End Function