If WorksheetFunction.Couna(Range("r7:v23")) > 0 Then
Sub 残菜まとめて登録()
Dim 登録 As Worksheet, 当月 As Worksheet
Dim 月 As Long, 日 As Long
Dim 縦 As Long, 最終行 As Long
Dim msg As Long
Dim 行 As Long
Set 登録 = Worksheets("登録")
月 = 登録.Cells(4, 18).Value
日 = 登録.Cells(4, 20).Value
最終行 = 登録.Cells(23, 17).End(xlUp).Row
'If 登録.Range(登録.Cells(7, 18), 登録.Cells(最終行, 22)).Value = "" Then
MsgBox "入力データがありません"
Exit Sub
End If
msg = MsgBox("入力内容を登録月" & 月 & "シートに転送します。" & vbCrLf & "よろしいですか?", vbOKCancel + vbExclamation, "入力内容の転送")
If msg <> vbOK Then MsgBox "操作を中断しました": Exit Sub
Set 当月 = Worksheets("登録月" & 月)
縦 = 7
Do Until 当月.Cells(縦, 20).Value = ""
縦 = 縦 + 1
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(当月.Range(当月.Cells(7, 20), 当月.Cells(縦, 20)), 日) >= 1 Then
msg = MsgBox("この日付はすでに使用されています ", vbOKOnly + vbCritical)
If msg = vbOK Then Exit Sub
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
For 行 = 7 To 最終行
当月.Cells(縦, 20).Value = 日
当月.Cells(縦, 21).Resize(, 7).Value = 登録.Cells(行, 17).Resize(, 7).Value
縦 = 縦 + 1
With 当月
.Range(.Cells(7, 20), .Cells(縦 - 1, 27)).Sort _
Key1:=.Cells(7, 20), _
Order1:=xlAscending, _
Header:=xlNo, _
End With
With 登録
' .Range(.Cells(5, 4), .Cells(10, 7)).ClearContents
' .Range(.Cells(12, 4), .Cells(15, 7)).ClearContents
' .Range(.Cells(17, 4), .Cells(24, 7)).ClearContents
' .Range(.Cells(26, 4), .Cells(29, 7)).ClearContents
' .Range(.Cells(5, 11), .Cells(12, 14)).ClearContents
' .Range(.Cells(14, 11), .Cells(19, 14)).ClearContents
' .Range(.Cells(21, 11), .Cells(26, 14)).ClearContents
'.Range(.Cells(7, 18), .Cells(23, 18)).ClearContents
.Range(.Cells(7, 18), .Cells(23, 23)).ClearContents
End With
MsgBox "データ転送が終了しました。", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "終了"
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub