Sub オリジナルメニューバー作成()
Dim myCB As CommandBar
Dim myCBCtrl As CommandBarControl
Dim myCBBtn As CommandBarButton
Dim myCBpup As CommandBarPopup
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
Set myCB = Application.CommandBars.Add(Name:="PikaBar", Position:=msoBarTop, MenuBar:=True)
With Application.CommandBars(1)
For II% = 1 To 9
Select Case II%
Case 7: IdNum& = 30011
Case Else: IdNum& = 30000 + II% + 1
End Select
Set myCBCtrl = .FindControl(ID:=IdNum&): myCBCtrl.Copy myCB, II%
End With
Set myCBCtrl = myCB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
With myCBCtrl
.Caption = "セル書式"
.BeginGroup = True
.OnAction = "列Caption"
End With
Set myCBCtrl = myCB.Controls("セル書式").Controls _
With myCBCtrl
.Caption = "表示形式"
.OnAction = "表示形式"
End With
Set myCBCtrl = myCB.Controls("セル書式").Controls _
With myCBCtrl
.Caption = "配置"
.OnAction = "配置"
End With
Set myCBCtrl = myCB.Controls("セル書式").Controls _
With myCBCtrl
.Caption = "フォント"
.OnAction = "フォント"
End With
Set myCBCtrl = myCB.Controls("セル書式").Controls _
With myCBCtrl
.Caption = "罫線"
.OnAction = "罫線"
End With
Set myCBCtrl = myCB.Controls("セル書式").Controls _
With myCBCtrl
.Caption = "パターン"
.OnAction = "パターン"
End With
Set myCBCtrl = myCB.Controls("セル書式").Controls _
With myCBCtrl
.Caption = "保護"
.OnAction = "保護"
End With
Set myCBCtrl = myCB.Controls("セル書式").Controls _
myCBCtrl.BeginGroup = True
Set myCBCtrl = myCB.Controls("セル書式").Controls _
With myCBCtrl
.Caption = "列形式A1…R1C1"
.OnAction = "列表示切替"
End With
Set myCBCtrl = myCB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
With myCBCtrl
.Caption = "入力設定"
.OnAction = "入力設定ON"
End With
Set myCBCtrl = myCB.Controls("入力設定").Controls _
With myCBCtrl
.FaceId = 984
.Caption = "操作説明"
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
If Val(Application.Version) <> 8 Then
.OnAction = "入力設定操作説明"
.OnAction = "入力設定操作説明97"
End If
End With
Set myCBpup = myCB.Controls("入力設定").Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
myCBpup.Caption = "入力範囲設定"
myCBpup.BeginGroup = True
Set myCBBtn = myCBpup.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
With myCBBtn
.Caption = "入力範囲ロック"
.OnAction = "入力範囲ロック"
End With
Set myCBBtn = myCBpup.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
With myCBBtn
.Caption = "一時解除"
.OnAction = "一時解除"
End With
Set myCBBtn = myCBpup.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
With myCBBtn
.Caption = "再設定"
.OnAction = "再設定"
End With
Set myCBpup = myCB.Controls("入力設定").Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
With myCBpup
.Caption = "日本語入力"
End With
For II% = 1 To 3
Set myCBBtn = myCBpup.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
With myCBBtn
Select Case II%
Case 1: .Caption = "オン固定"
Case 2: .Caption = "オフ固定"
Case 3: .Caption = "コントロールなし"
End Select
.OnAction = "変換_" & Format(II%)
End With
Set myCBpup = myCB.Controls("入力設定").Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
With myCBpup
.Caption = "Enter移動"
End With
For II% = 1 To 5
Set myCBBtn = myCBpup.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
With myCBBtn
Select Case II%
Case 1: .Caption = "下"
Case 2: .Caption = "右"
Case 3: .Caption = "上"
Case 4: .Caption = "左"
Case 5: .Caption = "−"
End Select
.OnAction = "方向_" & Format(II%, "0")
End With