Excel VBA質問箱 IV

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発言  ichinose  - 04/11/20(土) 0:29 -

Sub test()
  Dim 組合せ
  Dim 組み分け数 As Long
  組み分け数 = 3
  in_array = Array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H")
  Call mk_pat_init(UBound(in_array) - LBound(in_array) + 1, 組み分け数)
  st = 1
  jdx = 1
  Do While mk_pat(pat) = 0
   組合せ = dist_array(in_array, "", 組み分け数, pat)
   Range(Cells(st, 1), Cells(st + UBound(組合せ, 1), 組み分け数)).Value = _
   st = st + UBound(組合せ, 1) + 1
End Sub

Function dist_array(ByVal in_array, ByVal delimter As String, ByVal 組み分け数 As Long, ByVal patturn, _
          Optional ByVal pdx As Long = 0, Optional ByVal nest As Long = 0, Optional ByVal dupmd As Long = 0)
'input : in_array ----組み分け数配列(1次元配列)
'     delimiter---同一グループ内を区切る文字
'     組み分け数---グループ化する数
'     patturnグループメンバ数等の情報(2次元配列)
'output : dist_array 2次元配列 1次元目がメンバ数
'                2次元目がグループ化されたメンバの組合せ
'pdx nest dupmdは、指定不可 内部処理データ
  Static dup() As Class1
  Static ans()
  Static adx As Long
  Static c_array()
  If nest = 0 Then
   menum = 1
   d_cnt = UBound(in_array) - LBound(in_array) + 1
   With WorksheetFunction
    For ll = LBound(patturn) To UBound(patturn)
      For jj = 1 To patturn(ll, 1)
       menum = menum * .Combin(d_cnt, patturn(ll, 0))
       d_cnt = d_cnt - patturn(ll, 0)
       Next jj
      menum = menum / .Fact(patturn(ll, 1))
      Next ll
    End With
   ReDim ans(menum - 1, 組み分け数 - 1)
   ReDim c_array(組み分け数 - 1)
   ReDim dup(UBound(in_array))
   adx = 0
   pdx = 0
   If patturn(pdx, 1) > 1 Then
     dupmd = 1
     dupmd = 0
     End If
   End If
  If patturn(pdx, 1) = 0 Then
   If pdx + 1 <= UBound(patturn, 1) Then
     pdx = pdx + 1
     If patturn(pdx, 1) > 1 Then
      dupmd = 1
      dupmd = 0
      End If
     Exit Function
     End If
   End If
  If dupmd >= 1 Then
   Set dup(nest) = New Class1
   dup(nest).duparray_init UBound(in_array)
   End If
  patturn(pdx, 1) = patturn(pdx, 1) - 1
  myarray1 = combin_list(in_array, patturn(pdx, 0))
  For idx = LBound(myarray1, 1) To UBound(myarray1, 1)
   ReDim tmp(UBound(myarray1, 2))
   For jdx = LBound(myarray1, 2) To UBound(myarray1, 2)
    tmp(jdx) = myarray1(idx, jdx)
    Next jdx
   retcode = 0
   If dupmd > 1 Then
     For dpx = nest - dupmd + 1 To nest - 1
      retcode = dup(dpx).duparray_chk(tmp())
      If retcode <> 0 Then Exit For
      Next dpx
     End If
   If retcode = 0 Then
     If dupmd >= 1 Then
      dup(nest).duparray_put myarray1(idx, 0)
      End If
     c_array(nest) = Join(tmp(), delimter)
     If nest = 組み分け数 - 1 Then
      For kdx = LBound(c_array()) To UBound(c_array())
        ans(adx, kdx) = c_array(kdx)
        Next kdx
      adx = adx + 1
      End If
     myarray2 = except_array(in_array, tmp())
     Erase tmp()
     Call dist_array(myarray2, delimter, 組み分け数, patturn, pdx, nest + 1, dupmd + 1)
     End If

   Next idx
  If nest = 0 Then
    dist_array = ans()
    Erase ans()
    Erase c_array()
    On Error Resume Next
    For idx = UBound(dup()) To LBound(dup())
     If Not dup(idx) Is Nothing Then
       End If
     Set dup(idx) = Nothing
    Erase dup()
    On Error GoTo 0
    End If
End Function
Function except_array(in_array, exarray()) As Variant
'input : in_array 対象の配列(1次元配列)
'    exarray() 取り除くメンバを含んだ配列(1次元配列)
'output: except_array -取り除かれた配列
  Dim n_array()
  Dim jdx As Long
  Dim ok As Boolean
  For idx = LBound(in_array) To UBound(in_array)
   ok = True
   For ex = LBound(exarray()) To UBound(exarray())
    If in_array(idx) = exarray(ex) Then
      ok = False
      Exit For
      End If
    Next ex
   If ok = True Then
     ReDim Preserve n_array(jdx)
     n_array(jdx) = in_array(idx)
     jdx = jdx + 1
     End If
  except_array = n_array()
End Function
Function combin_list(総リスト, 抜取り数, Optional ByVal nest As Long = 0, Optional ByVal st As Long = 0)
'input :総リスト----組合せリストを作成する元リスト(1次元の配列)
'    抜取り数----組合せ抜取り数
' nest及び、stは、指定不可 内部で使用するパラメータ
  Static ans()
  Static idx() As Long
  Static jdx As Long
  If nest = 0 Then
   jdx = 0
   ReDim idx(抜取り数 - 1)
   ReDim ans(WorksheetFunction.Combin(UBound(総リスト) - LBound(総リスト) + 1, 抜取り数) - 1, 抜取り数 - 1)
   st = LBound(総リスト)
   End If
  For idx(nest) = st To UBound(総リスト)
   If nest < 抜取り数 - 1 Then
     Call combin_list(総リスト, 抜取り数, nest + 1, idx(nest) + 1)
     For kdx = 0 To 抜取り数 - 1
      ans(jdx, kdx) = 総リスト(idx(kdx))
      Next kdx
     jdx = jdx + 1
     End If
  If nest = 0 Then
   combin_list = ans()
   End If
End Function



Private d_ans As Long
Private d_mem() As Long
Private d_idx() As Long
Sub mk_pat_init(ans As Long, num As Long)
  ReDim d_mem(1 To ans - 1)
  ReDim d_idx(1 To num)
  For idx = LBound(d_mem()) To UBound(d_mem())
   d_mem(idx) = idx
  For idx = LBound(d_idx()) To UBound(d_idx())
   d_idx(idx) = 1
  d_idx(UBound(d_idx())) = 0
  d_ans = ans
End Sub
Function mk_pat(patturn)
 Dim mk_pat_ok As Long
 Dim wkc As Collection
 Dim a_num()
 mk_pat = 1
 Do While mk_pat_ok = 0
  mk_pat_ok = 1
  For idx = UBound(d_idx()) To LBound(d_idx()) Step -1
    If d_idx(idx) + 1 > UBound(d_mem()) Then
     d_idx(idx) = 1
     mk_pat_ok = 0
     d_idx(idx) = d_idx(idx) + 1
     Exit For
     End If
    Next idx
  If mk_pat_ok = 0 Then
    ok = 0
    jdx = 0
    wk = d_mem(d_idx(UBound(d_idx())))
    For idx = LBound(d_idx()) To UBound(d_idx()) - 1
     If d_mem(d_idx(idx)) > d_mem(d_idx(idx + 1)) Then
       ok = 1
       Exit For
       If d_mem(d_idx(idx)) < d_mem(d_idx(idx + 1)) Then jdx = jdx + 1
       wk = wk + d_mem(d_idx(idx))
       End If
     Next idx
    If ok = 0 And wk = d_ans Then
     Set wkc = New Collection
     ReDim a_num(jdx, 1)
     jdx = 0
     On Error Resume Next
     With wkc
      For idx = LBound(d_idx()) To UBound(d_idx())
       .Add d_mem(d_idx(idx)), Str(d_mem(d_idx(idx)))
       If Err.Number = 0 Then
         a_num(jdx, 0) = d_mem(d_idx(idx))
         a_num(jdx, 1) = 1
         jdx = jdx + 1
         a_num(jdx - 1, 1) = a_num(jdx - 1, 1) + 1
         End If
       Next idx
      End With
     On Error GoTo 0
     patturn = a_num()
     mk_pat = 0
     Exit Do
     mk_pat_ok = 0
     End If
    End If
End Function



Private duparray() '重複チェック用配列
Private fdx As Long '配列のポインタ
Sub duparray_init(array_num As Long) '重複チェックを初期化
  ReDim duparray(array_num)
  For idx = LBound(duparray()) To UBound(duparray())
   duparray(idx) = ""
   Next idx
  fdx = 0
End Sub
Sub duparray_term()
  On Error Resume Next
  Erase duparray()
End Sub
Sub duparray_put(myvalue)
  Dim menflg As Boolean
  menflg = True
  For idx = LBound(duparray()) To fdx - 1
   If duparray(idx) = myvalue Then
     menflg = False
     Exit For
     End If
   Next idx
  If menflg = True Then
   duparray(fdx) = myvalue
   fdx = fdx + 1
   End If
End Sub
Function duparray_chk(myvalue()) As Long
  'out duparray_chk 0--重複なし 1--重複あり
  duparray_chk = 0
  For idx = LBound(duparray()) To fdx - 1
   For jdx = LBound(myvalue) To UBound(myvalue)
     If duparray(idx) = myvalue(jdx) Then
      duparray_chk = 1
      Exit For
      End If
     Next jdx
   If duparray_chk = 1 Then Exit For
   Next idx
End Function

4 hits

【19670】教えてください ゆか 04/11/13(土) 16:49 質問
【19673】Re:教えてください Kein 04/11/13(土) 20:22 発言
【19675】Re:教えてください [名前なし] 04/11/13(土) 21:07 発言
【19678】Re:教えてください ichinose 04/11/14(日) 0:15 発言
【19679】Re:教えてください ちゃっぴ 04/11/14(日) 11:34 回答
【19680】Re:教えてください ちゃっぴ 04/11/14(日) 13:56 発言
【19691】ありがとうございます ゆか 04/11/15(月) 12:06 お礼
【19710】教えてください ゆか 04/11/15(月) 16:48 質問
【19946】Re:教えてください hamar 04/11/19(金) 18:39 回答
【19951】Re:教えてください ちゃっぴ 04/11/19(金) 22:15 回答
【19953】Re:教えてください ちゃっぴ 04/11/19(金) 22:21 発言
【19957】Re:教えてください ichinose 04/11/20(土) 0:29 発言
【19958】Re:教えてください ちゃっぴ 04/11/20(土) 0:33 発言
【19959】Re:教えてください 追伸 ichinose 04/11/20(土) 1:22 発言
【20041】ありがとうございました! ゆか 04/11/25(木) 11:42 お礼

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