Option Explicit
Public Sub CrossTabulation()
Const clngTop As Long = 10
Const cstrList As String = "FileList"
Dim i As Long
Dim strPath As String
Dim vntFileNames As Variant
Dim dfn As Integer
Dim vntField As Variant
Dim strBuff As String
Dim lngCol As Long
Dim lngRow As Long
Dim rngScope As Range
Dim rngResult As Range
Dim rngDate As Range
Dim wksFiles As Worksheet
FileListCheck cstrList, wksFiles
strPath = "C:\system"
If Not GetAppendFile(vntFileNames, strPath, "txt", _
"^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]da*$|^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]da~[0-9]*$", _
wksFiles) Then
GoTo Wayout
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set rngResult = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("sheet1").Cells(7, "A")
With rngResult
lngCol = .Offset(, 256 - .Column).End(xlToLeft).Column _
- .Offset(, clngTop).Column
If lngCol > 0 Then
Set rngDate = .Offset(, clngTop + 1).Resize(, lngCol)
End If
lngRow = .Offset(65536 - .Row).End(xlUp).Row - .Row
If lngRow > 0 Then
Set rngScope = .Offset(1).Resize(lngRow)
End If
End With
For i = 1 To UBound(vntFileNames)
dfn = FreeFile
Open vntFileNames(i) For Input As dfn
Do Until EOF(dfn)
Line Input #dfn, strBuff
vntField = Split(strBuff, ",", , vbBinaryCompare)
vntField(0) = CLng(DateValue(Left(vntField(0), 4) _
& "/" & Mid(vntField(0), 5, 2) _
& "/" & Right(vntField(0), 2)))
lngCol = GetDateColumn(vntField(0), rngDate, _
rngResult.Offset(, clngTop)) + clngTop
lngRow = GetTagNoRow(vntField(5), rngScope, rngResult)
With rngResult.Offset(lngRow, lngCol)
.NumberFormatLocal = "G/標準"
.Value = vntField(6)
End With
Close #dfn
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Set rngScope = Nothing
Set rngDate = Nothing
Set rngResult = Nothing
Set wksFiles = Nothing
End Sub
Private Function GetDateColumn(vntDate As Variant, _
rngScope As Range, _
rngDateTop As Range) As Long
Dim lngFound As Long
Dim lngOver As Long
Dim lngCount As Long
If rngScope Is Nothing Then
lngFound = 0
lngCount = 0
lngOver = 1
lngFound = DataSearch(CLng(vntDate), rngScope, lngOver)
' lngFound = DataSearch(vntDate, rngScope, lngOver)
lngCount = rngScope.Columns.Count
End If
If lngFound > 0 Then
GetDateColumn = lngFound
With rngDateTop
If lngOver <= lngCount Then
.Offset(, lngOver).EntireColumn.Insert
End If
With .Offset(, lngOver)
.NumberFormatLocal = "m/d"
.Value = vntDate
End With
GetDateColumn = lngOver
Set rngScope _
= .Offset(, 1).Resize(, lngCount + 1)
End With
End If
End Function
Private Function GetTagNoRow(vntTagNo As Variant, _
rngScope As Range, _
rngListTop As Range) As Long
Dim lngFound As Variant
Dim lngCount As Long
If rngScope Is Nothing Then
lngFound = 0
lngCount = 0
lngFound = DataSearch(CLng(vntTagNo), rngScope, , 0)
lngCount = rngScope.Rows.Count
End If
If lngFound > 0 Then
GetTagNoRow = lngFound
'With rngListTop
'lngCount = lngCount + 1
'.Offset(lngCount).NumberFormatLocal = "@"
'.Offset(lngCount).Value = vntTagNo
'GetTagNoRow = lngCount
'Set rngScope _
= .Offset(1).Resize(lngCount)
'End With
End If
End Function
Private Function DataSearch(vntKey As Variant, _
rngScope As Range, _
Optional lngOver As Long, _
Optional lngMode As Long = 1) As Long
Dim vntFind As Variant
vntFind = Application.Match(vntKey, rngScope, lngMode)
lngOver = 1
If Not IsError(vntFind) Then
If vntKey = rngScope(vntFind).Value Then
DataSearch = vntFind
End If
lngOver = vntFind + 1
End If
End Function
Private Sub FileListCheck(strSheet As String, wksFiles As Worksheet)
Dim blnExist As Boolean
With ThisWorkbook
For Each wksFiles In .Worksheets
If StrComp(wksFiles.Name, _
strSheet, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
blnExist = True
Exit For
End If
Next wksFiles
If Not blnExist Then
With .Worksheets
Set wksFiles = .Add(After:=.Item(.Count))
wksFiles.Name = strSheet
End With
End If
End With
End Sub