Dim rowno, colno As Integer
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim colAlfa, compData As String
With UserForm1.ListBox1
If .ListIndex < 0 Then
.ListIndex = 0
End If
selectedvalue = .List(.ListIndex, 0)
For i = colno To Columns.Count
nowcol = Cells(1, i).Address(True, False)
colAlfa = Left(nowcol, InStr(nowcol, "$") - 1)
If Columns(colAlfa).Hidden = False Then
If TypeName(Cells(rowno, i).Value) = "Integer" Then
compData = Trim(Str(Cells(rowno, i).Value))
compData = Cells(rowno, i).Value
End If
If compData = selectedvalue Then
Columns(colAlfa).Hidden = False
Columns(colAlfa).Hidden = True
End If
End If
Next i
End With
Unload UserForm1
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim colAlfa As String
For i = 1 To Columns.Count
nowcol = Cells(1, i).Address(True, False)
colAlfa = Left(nowcol, InStr(nowcol, "$") - 1)
Columns(colAlfa).Hidden = False
Next i
Unload UserForm1
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
rowno = ActiveCell.Row
colno = ActiveCell.Column + 1
For i = colno To Columns.Count
If UserForm1.ListBox1.ListCount = 0 Then
UserForm1.ListBox1.AddItem Cells(rowno, i).Value
flg = False
For j = 0 To UserForm1.ListBox1.ListCount - 1
If Cells(rowno, i).Value = UserForm1.ListBox1.List(j) Then
flg = True
Exit For
End If
If flg = False Then UserForm1.ListBox1.AddItem Cells(rowno, i).Value
End If
Next i
End Sub