▼Aces さん:
Sub test()
Dim tbl, 抽出条件 As Range, 抽出先 As Range
Dim w()
Dim dicX As Object, dicY As Object
Dim 日付, 項目 As String, 数量 As String
Dim k As Long
tbl = Worksheets("詳細").Range("a2").CurrentRegion.Value
Set 抽出条件 = Worksheets("見出し").Range("a2").CurrentRegion
Set 抽出先 = Worksheets("一覧").Range("a2")
ReDim w(1 To UBound(tbl), 1 To UBound(tbl))
Set dicX = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
Set dicY = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
For k = 1 To UBound(tbl)
日付 = tbl(k, 1)
項目 = tbl(k, 3)
数量 = tbl(k, 4)
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(抽出条件, 日付) Then
If Not dicX.exists(日付) Then
dicX(日付) = dicX.Count + 1
w(1, dicX(日付)) = 日付
End If
If Not dicY.exists(項目) Then
dicY(項目) = dicY.Count + 1
w(dicY(項目), 1) = 項目
End If
w(dicY(項目), dicX(日付)) = 数量
End If
w(1, 1) = "項目/日付"
抽出先.Resize(dicY.Count, dicX.Count).Value = w
End Sub