Excel VBA質問箱 IV

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回答  Hirofumi E-MAIL  - 04/5/1(土) 9:34 -


Option Explicit

Public Sub Classification()

  Const lngRowPitch As Long = 15
  Dim i As Long
  Dim lngRow As Long
  Dim vntSheets As Variant
  Dim vntWritePos As Variant
  Dim vntClass() As Variant
  Dim wksResult As Worksheet
  Dim dicIndex As Object
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  Set wksResult = Worksheets("分類シート")
  With wksResult.Cells(8, "A")
    i = 0
    lngRow = i * lngRowPitch + 1
    Do Until .Offset(lngRow).Value = ""
      ReDim Preserve vntClass(1, i)
      vntClass(0, i) = .Offset(lngRow).Value
      vntClass(1, i) = lngRow + .Row
      i = i + 1
      lngRow = i * lngRowPitch + 1
  End With
  vntSheets = Array("型式1シート", "型式2シート")
  vntWritePos = Array("C", "G")
  Set dicIndex = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  For i = 0 To UBound(vntSheets)
    ListingData Worksheets(vntSheets(i)), _
          vntWritePos(i), vntClass, _
          lngRowPitch, dicIndex, wksResult
  Next i
  Set dicIndex = Nothing
  Set wksResult = Nothing
  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
  MsgBox "処理が終了しました"
End Sub

Private Sub ListingData(wksData As Worksheet, _
            vntCol As Variant, _
            vntClass As Variant, _
            lngPitch As Long, _
            dicIndex As Object, _
            wksResult As Worksheet)

  Dim i As Long
  Dim lngEnd As Long
  Dim vntComp As Variant
  Dim lngRow As Long
  With dicIndex
    For i = 0 To UBound(vntClass, 2)
      .Item(vntClass(0, i)) = vntClass(1, i)
    Next i
  End With
  With wksData
    lngEnd = .Cells(65536, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    For i = 2 To lngEnd
      vntComp = .Cells(i, "D").Value
      If dicIndex.Exists(vntComp) Then
        lngRow = dicIndex.Item(vntComp)
        dicIndex.Item(vntComp) = lngRow + 1
        lngRow = vntClass(1, UBound(vntClass, 2)) + lngPitch
        wksResult.Cells(lngRow, "A").Value = vntComp
        ReDim Preserve vntClass(1, UBound(vntClass, 2) + 1)
        vntClass(0, UBound(vntClass, 2)) = vntComp
        vntClass(1, UBound(vntClass, 2)) = lngRow
        dicIndex.Add vntComp, lngRow
      End If
      .Cells(i, "A").Resize(, 3).Copy _
          Destination:=wksResult.Cells(lngRow, vntCol)
    Next i
  End With
End Sub
0 hits

【13278】別シートからの転記 NAO 04/4/30(金) 0:23 質問
【13279】Re:別シートからの転記 かみちゃん 04/4/30(金) 6:51 発言
【13281】Re:別シートからの転記 NAO 04/4/30(金) 9:17 質問
【13299】Re:別シートからの転記 Hirofumi 04/5/1(土) 9:34 回答
【13300】Re:別シートからの転記 Hirofumi 04/5/1(土) 10:07 発言
【13333】Re:別シートからの転記 NAO 04/5/1(土) 20:37 お礼
【13318】Re:別シートからの転記 NAO 04/5/1(土) 15:51 質問
【13320】Re:別シートからの転記 Hirofumi 04/5/1(土) 17:28 回答
【13329】Re:別シートからの転記 NAO 04/5/1(土) 19:57 お礼
【13323】Re:別シートからの転記 かみちゃん 04/5/1(土) 18:19 回答
【13330】Re:別シートからの転記 NAO 04/5/1(土) 20:06 お礼

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