▼伊東 さん:
Sub main()
insert_pic("D:\My Documents\My Pictures\j0179837(p).gif" _
, Cells(1, 1)).Select
End Sub
Function insert_pic(flnm As String, Optional rng As Range = Nothing) As Shape
'input :flnm -挿入する図のフルパス名
' rng -貼り付けるセル
'output insert_pic:貼り付けた図のShapeオブジェクト
On Error Resume Next
If rng Is Nothing Then
Set rng = ActiveCell
End If
Set insert_pic = Nothing
With rng
Set insert_pic = .Parent.Shapes.AddPicture(flnm, False, _
True, .Left, .Top, .Width, .Height)
End With
End Function